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About me

Throughout my twenties I began exploring more natural approaches to health and well-being, and found myself really drawn to them.

Having used kinesiology as a treatment option for a number of years, I had fallen in love with the modality. Starting a family gave me the opportunity to study, and from there, holistic kinesiology was born.

Kinesiology is a natural therapy, which uses biofeedback to give an indication as to what is going on within the body, on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Restoring or unblocking the flow of energy allows the body to once again function at an optimum level. I use a combination of healing tools in my treatments, depending on the body’s specific needs. Clearing these Energy blocks helps clients to achieve a renewed state of health and vitality, which brings about lasting change, enabling them to be the best version of themselves.

I enjoy meeting and working with adults and children of all ages, and have found a way to turn my passion for helping people into a career.

Principles of Kinesiology
  • The body can heal itself: The desired outcome of any kinesiology “balance” is to restore balance and remove blockages to the body’s energy flow, in order to enable the body to begin the healing process.


  • Treat the whole person: kinesiologists aim to find the bottomline cause and facitilitate the healing process.


  • First do no harm: kinesiologists only use therapies which are safe, and have no harmful contra-indications.


  • Practice/teach self-responsibility: The client is responsible for their own healing process. Kinesiologists endeavour to motivate and support you to make positive changes which will improve your health and wellbeing.


  • Neutrality; as kinesiologists, we are here to support your healing process, we do not make judgements.

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Benefits of Kinesiology
  • Support healing of illness and disease, through balancing the body’s energy (chi)


  • Improved focus and concentration


  • Relieving emotional, physical and mental stress


  • Support for grief/past trauma


  • Identifying nutritional excess or deficiency


  • Supporting muscle/injury healing


  • Releasing stress around fears and phobias


  • Improved health and wellbeing


  • Releasing limiting beliefs


  • Emotional support during major life changes

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Kinesiology could benefit your child if they are experiencing...


~ Big Changes. Starting daycare or school, parents separating, introducing a new partner, the birth of a sibling, or death of a loved one.


~ Struggling with anxiety or 'worry brain' and it is affecting their behaviour, sleep, toileting/bedwetting, or they're experiencing separation anxiety.


~ Struggling with navigating their emotions and having big meltdowns or outbursts.


~ Having some difficulty with integrating new information, or lacking coordination or fine motor skills appropriate to age.


~ Their birth was traumatic, they struggled with developmental milestones , skipped or moved through them rather quickly.

Mama, Kinesiology could benefit you if...


~ You struggle with your child's behaviour


~ You are experiencing anxiety, perhaps related to any of your child's symptoms.


~ Constantly stuck in your thoughts, replaying conversations or situations (past or future) on a loop.


~ You regularly experience low mood, mood swings or are snappy and irritable.


~ You aren't getting restful sleep, are waking through the night or struggle to get to sleep.


~You get overwhelmed easily or feel that you are not your most happy, vibrant self.


~ You have experienced a lot of trauma; big or small incidents, traumatic birthing experiences , or ongoing stress.

Tips for getting great results from your session
  • Drink plenty of water before a session, and in the days following. This is really important for integration, and to help your body clear any toxins released during a session.


  • Allow about 3 days after a balance for everything to integrate. During this time you may experience heightened emotions, or physical symptoms such as tiredness or achey muscles. If you are at all concerned please contact your practitioner.


  • Let it go... Everyone responds differently to Kinesiology, if you feel like you need to cry during or after a session, do it!! Letting go is the most important part of the healing process.


  • If there are things your practitioner recommended that you do to help facilitate a balance, this is usually to support integration, or to access a deeper level of healing for you. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you wish to folow their recommendations. Always use products as directed and seek advice from your practitioner (or a medical doctor in severe cases) should you have an adverse reaction to anything.


  • Remember, this is your journey, you can choose to embrace it, or resist it. Your practitioner will help by clearing energy blockages associated with an issue, in order to support your healing. But at the end of the day, any change or transformation is the result of your actions and your understanding of your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What sort of things does a Kinesiologist do to you?
    A Kinesiologist will use muscle monitoring to identify the underlying cause of your issue, and use various, non-invasive techniques to correct the energy imbalances.
  • How often should I have a kinesiology session?
    Approx.every 2-3 weeks until your issue is resolved. After that it can be monthly, or just when you feel you need another balance.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    Depending on the issue you are working on, if Kinesiology is what you need, 2 – 4 sessions should resolve it.
  • Will I need further sessions once my issue is resolved?
    You don’t need to have a specific issue in order to benefit from a ‘balance’, so it is up to you whether you’d like to continue having kinesiology treatment. Life is always throwing us new challenges!
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